Ameba Arduino Example Guides
Wi-Fi/Network/BLE Examples
- WiFi - Scan the surrounding WiFi networks
- WiFi - Connect to WiFi networks
- WiFi - Set up Server to Communicate
- WiFi - Set up Client to Retrieve Google Search Information
- WiFi - Set up UDP Server to Communicate
- WiFi - Retrieve Universal Time (UTC) by UDP
- WiFi - Set up WiFi AP Mode
- WiFi - Set up SSL Client for HTTPS Communication
- WiFi - Approximate UDP Receive Delay
- WiFi - Approximate UDP Sending Delay
- WiFi - Approximate UDP Receive Timeout
- WiFi - Concurrent Mode
- HTTP - Retrieve HTTP websites from the Internet
- HTTP - Set up Server to Control LED
- HTTP - Set up Server to Get the Ameba Status
- HTTP - Use IFTTT for Web Service
- MQTT - Set up MQTT Client to Communicate with Broker
- MQTT - Use Amazon AWS IoT Shadow Service
- MQTT - Set up MQTT Client over TLS
- MQTT - Upload PM2.5 Data to LASS System
- MQTT - Use Google Cloud IoT
- MDNS - Set up mDNS Client on Arduino IDE
- BLE - BLE Battery Service
- BLE - BLE Beacon
- BLE - BLE Scan
- BLE - Battery Client
- BLE - WiFi Configuration Service
- BLE - BLE UART Client
- BLE - BLE UART Service
- BLE - HID Gamepad
- BLE - HID Keyboard
- BLE - HID Mouse
- BLE - V7RC Car
- IPv6 - Set up IPv6 Server/Client over TCP
- IPv6 - Set up IPv6 Server/Client over UDP
- NTP - Retrieve Universal Time (UTC) by NTPClient library
Peripheral Examples
- GPIO - Measure Distance by Ultrasound Module
- GPIO - Measure Temperature And Humidity
- GPIO - Use GPIO Interrupt to Control LED
- PWM - Play Music by buzzer
- PWM - Servo Control
- I2C - Send Data to Arduino UNO
- I2C - Receive Data from Arduino UNO
- I2C - Slave Send Data to Arduino UNO
- I2C - Slave Receive Data from Arduino UNO
- I2C - Display Data on LCD Screen
- I2C - Scan I2C devices
- UART - Communicate with PC over USB to Serial Module
- UART - Retrieve GPS Position
- UART - Set Callback Function for UART Communications
- UART - PM2.5 Concentration in The Air
- Flash Memory - Store data in Flash EEPROM
- Flash Memory - Use Flash Memory Larger Than 4K
- SPI - Print Image and Text On LCD Screen
- SPI – Show PM2.5 Concentration on ILI9341 TFT LCD
- GTimer - Use the Periodic Gtimer
- GTimer - Using the One-Time Gtimer
- Power Save - Deep Sleep Mode
- Power Save - Deep Sleep for DHT and E-Paper
- Power Save - Deep Sleep for DHT and LCD
- Power Save - Tickless Mode
- E-Paper - Display Images
- E-Paper - Display Text
- E-Paper - Display User-generated QR Code
- E-Paper - 7.5-inch e-Book with MicroSD card
- RTC - Simple RTC
- RTC - Simple RTC Alarm
- Watchdog - Simple WDT
- Audio Codec - Basic Input Output
- Audio Codec - FFT
- Audio Codec - Input FFT
- Audio Codec - Output Sine Wave
- Audio Codec - play and record wav files
- FatfsSDIO - File system in SD card
- FatfsSDIO - Read and open HTML file from SD card
- TensorFlow Lite - Hello World
- TensorFlow Lite - Magic Wand
- TensorFlow Lite - Micro Speech
- TensorFlow Lite - Person Detection
- USB - CDC Serial Port
- USB - HID Gamepad
- USB - HID Keyboard
- USB - HID Mouse
- WS2812B - Basics
- WS2812B - Patterns
- OTA - Update Firmware to Ameba via OTA
- Debugging - Using the Debug Interface
Components used in Examples

Adafruit 1063 / 1064
Analog microphone

Adafruit 2791
Adapter Connector Stereo, 3.5mm TRS/TRRS breakout.

Adafruit 2.8” TFT LCD Touch Shield
ILI9341 TFT LCD display, touch screen with built in microSD card connection. Support SPI.

Adafruit LSM9DS1
Accelerometer with 3 acceleration channels, 3 angular rate channels, and 3 magnetic field channels. Supports I2C and SPI.

Adafruit PDM MEMS Microphone Breakout
PDM MEMS Microphone

Adafruit TXB0108
8-channel Bi-directional logic level converter.

Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout
High-quality GPS positioning module with -165 dBm sensitivity, 10 Hz updates, 66 channels.

Arducam Mini 2MP Plus - OV2640 SPI Camera Module
A high definition 2MP SPI camer. Supports I2C and SPI.

DHT11 / DHT21(AM2301) / DHT22(AM2302)
Low cost temperature & humidity sensors working by 3 to 5V power and I/O.

I2C 2×16 LCD
2×16 LCD display screen with I2C interface.

PlanTower PMS3003 / PMS5003
Air quality sensor that detects concentration of micro particulate matters.

ILI9341 TFT LCD display, with built in microSD card connection. Support SPI.

Sparkfun 11570
TRS/TRRS 3.5mm Jack Breakout.

Tower Pro SG90
Tiny and lightweight servo with high output power.

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - HC-SR04
Ultrasonic distance sensor module.

USB to TTL Adapter
The USB TTL Serial cables are a range of USB to serial converter cables which provide connectivity between USB and serial UART interfaces.

Waveshare E-Ink display module (296x128, 2.9inch)
E-Ink display module, 2.9inch, 296x128 resolution, with embedded controller, communicating via SPI interface, supports partial refresh.

WS2812 LED (4*4)
Intelligent control LED integrated light source.