Ameba Arduino Example Guides
Wi-Fi/Network/BLE Examples
- WiFi - Calculate UDP Receive Delay
- WiFi - Calculate UDP Receive Timeout
- WiFi - Calculate UDP Sending Delay
- WiFi - Connect to WiFi
- WiFi - Create WiFi AP
- WiFi - Concurrent Mode
- WiFi - Scan Networks
- WiFi - Simple Http Request to Retrieve Webs
- WiFi - Simple Http Server to Control LED
- WiFi - Simple Http Server to Receive Data
- WiFi - Simple TCP Server
- WiFi - Simple UDP
- WiFi - SSL Client for HTTPS Communication
- HTTP - Retrieve HTTP webs
- HTTP - Use IFTTT for Web Service
- HTTP - HTTP Post Image and MP4
- HTTP - HTTP Post MP4
- MQTT - Set up MQTT Client to Communicate with Broker
- MQTT - Set up MQTT Client over TLS
- BLE - Battery Client
- BLE - BLE Beacon
- BLE - BLE Battery Service
- BLE - BLE UART Client
- BLE - BLE UART Service
- BLE - HID Gamepad
- BLE - HID Keyboard
- BLE - HID Mouse
- BLE - BLE Scan
- BLE - WiFi Configuration Service
- BLE - Door Unlock Over BLE UART
- BLE - V7RC Car With Video Streaming
- NTP - Retrieve Universal Time (UTC) by NTPClient library
Peripheral Examples
- GPIO - Interrupt Control LED
- GPIO - Measure Distance HCSR04 Ultrasonic
- GPIO - Measure Temperature and Humidity DHT Tester
- PWM - Buzzer Play Melody
- PWM - Servo Control
- I2C - Master Send Data to Arduino UNO
- I2C - Master Receive Data from Arduino UNO
- I2C - Scan I2C devices
- I2C - HelloWorld
- I2C - OLED Display
- I2C - MPU6050 Raw Data
- I2C - MPU6050_DMP6
- I2C - MPU6050_DMP6_ImuData_for_ROS
- I2C - MPU6050_IMU_Zero
- I2C - Retrieve Data from VL53l0x IR sensor
- SPI - LCD Screen ILI9341 TFT
- GTimer - Timer Oneshot
- GTimer - Timer Periodical
- RTC - Simple RTC
- RTC - Simple RTC Alarm
- File System - Read and display HTML file from SD card
- File System - Simple applications with SD card
- PowerMode - Deep Sleep Mode
- PowerMode - Standby Mode
- Watchdog - Simple WDT
- E-Paper - Display Images
- E-Paper - Display Text
- E-Paper - Display User-generated QR Code
- E-Paper - 7.5-inch e-Book with MicroSD card
- Flash Memory - Read Write Stream
- Flash Memory - Read Write Word
- USB - UVC Device
Audio/Video Examples
- Multimedia - Capture JPEG display over HTTP
- Multimedia - Capture JPEG save to SD Card
- Multimedia - Motion Detection with On-Screen Display
- Multimedia - MP4 Recording
- Multimedia - RTSP Streaming
- Multimedia - Motion Detection Masking with MP4 Recording
- Multimedia - Audio Basic
- Multimedia - Audio Effects
- Multimedia - Echo Cancellation
- Multimedia - RTP Audio Stream
- Multimedia - RTSP Audio Stream
- Multimedia - RTSP Streaming V7RC
- Multimedia - Motion Detection Google Line Notify
- Multimedia - ISP Control
- QR Code Scanner - Scan QR Code And Read Result String
Components used in Examples

DHT11 / DHT21(AM2301) / DHT22(AM2302)
Low cost temperature & humidity sensors working by 3 to 5V power and I/O.

Adafruit TXB0108
8-channel Bi-directional logic level converter.

Adafruit 2.8” TFT LCD Touch Shield
ILI9341 TFT LCD display, touch screen with built in microSD card connection. Support SPI.

ILI9341 TFT LCD display, with built in microSD card connection. Support SPI.

USB to TTL Adapter
The USB TTL Serial cables are a range of USB to serial converter cables which provide connectivity between USB and serial UART interfaces.

Tower Pro SG90
Tiny and lightweight servo with high output power.

Sparkfun 11570
TRS/TRRS 3.5mm Jack Breakout.

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - HC-SR04
Ultrasonic distance sensor module.
RGB common cathode/anode LED
Light-emitting diodes that can emit red, green, and blue light that come in two types: common cathode and common anode.

Waveshare E-Ink display module (296x128, 2.9inch)
E-Ink display module, 2.9inch, 296x128 resolution, with embedded controller, communicating via SPI interface, supports partial refresh.

Waveshare 296x128, 2.9inch E-Ink display module (B)
E-Ink display module, 2.9inch, 296x128 resolution, with embedded controller, communicating via SPI interface, supports partial refresh and Red/ Black/ White Three-Color.

Waveshare 400x300, 4.2inch E-Ink display module
E-Ink display module, 4.2inch,400x300 resolution, with embedded controller, communicating via SPI interface.

Waveshare 800×480, 7.5inch E-Ink display HAT for Raspberry Pi
E-Ink display module, 7.5inch,800x480 resolution, with embedded controller, communicating via SPI interface.